Årets plan

2 March

Adwa Victory Day

የዓድዋ ድል በዓል

Commemorates Ethiopians victory

over Italy at Battle of Adwa in 1896.

1 May

International Workers' Day

ዓለም አቀፍ የሠራተኞች ቀን

5 May

Ethiopian Patriots' Victory Day  የአርበኞች ቀን

Commemorates the 1941 entering of Emperor Haile Selassie into Addis Ababa amidst Second World War, who returned to the throne after 5 years Italian occupation of Ethiopia following Second Italo-Ethiopian War.[3]

11 September
 New year: 12 September)


እንቁጣጣሽ/የዘመን መለወጫ/አዲስ አመት

New Year of Ethiopia and Eritrea